How Close Is Too Close?

By Ventura Pranas | 20/04/2024

How close is too close?

Giving sufficient space is such an important part of any equation both physically and emotionally . This also includes the sensitive area of stepping onto someone with aggression – mostly verbal. As an entrepreneur, i have learnt along the way to soften my approach. I’ve blown my top a few times in an open setting at the work place before and am ashamed of it! In the end, the company ended up losing an employee! Now, I am doubly cautious about not only the space I give my employees and have learnt that constructive feedback relayed in a gentle manner is far more effective than an aggressive approach.

We also have a Zero tolerance policy towards sexist remarks and conduct seminars a few times a year on POSH Law. After all, social media stickers and emojis allowing the easy expression of emotion should not be construed as acceptable in the workplace

As a member of a widely recognized organisation i am deeply involved in, I am heartened that our President this year has taken this matter up seriously. The board recently suspended a member who has time and again transgressed the boundaries of comfort while interacting with the lady members. As inadvertent as these actions of the member might have been he should have exercised some caution before it resulted in such grave consequences.

To this end, the organisation now displays the standees at our weekly meetings! These actions take courage and determination to call out socially unacceptable behaviour. It has further affirmed my loyalty to the movement – one that I have been part of for the last 11 years!



Ventura Pranas offers personalized services to individuals and corporate clients in India.


Ventura Pranas offers personalized services to individuals and corporate clients in India.


Ventura Pranas offers personalized services to individuals and corporate clients in India.


Ventura Pranas offers personalized services to individuals and corporate clients in India.