Services for USA


Our team of expert professionals at Ventura Pranas offers personalized services to individuals and corporate clients in the US, comprising of taxation, financial reporting, compliance, and regulatory requirements. We assist in resolving various challenges such as restructuring your business and provide insight into how to work best with tax professionals to meet your business needs.



Tax planning at a Federal and State level

✓ Tax Returns: :

Preparation and filing of tax returns with Federal and State agencies across the United States, including Forms 1120, 1120S, 1065, 1041, 5227, and 990

✓ R&D credits:

Computation of R&D credits 

✓ Tax Support:

Dealing with day-to-day tax matters that include replying to various tax notices and providing necessary tax support on regular tax matters

✓ Compliance:

Ensuring tax compliance like advance and estimated income tax calculations and deposits, payroll, and taxes deducted at source, sales tax compliance, and filing of returns


✓ Tax planning & optimization:

Tax planning and optimization (including QSBS optimization)

✓ Tax Returns:

Complying with Personal Tax Services including compiling and filing tax returns, including Forms 1040, 1040NR, 709 (Gift), 706 (Estate), and 706NA (Estate for NRAs)

✓ Computing Estimate Tax:

Reviewing and assisting in estimate tax computations

✓ Tax guidance:

Guiding on tax issues like capital gains/loans/tax investments, etc, especially in the context of M&A transactions

✓ Multi-state tax:

Filing multi-state tax for all types of US filers

✓ tax support:

Supporting all tax controversies (audit by Federal and State agencies)

FATCA Compliances for entities & individuals

✓ Foreign Financial Asset Reporting:

  • Fincen 114 (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network)
  • 8938 (Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets)
  • 8621 (Information Return by a Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Company or Qualified Electing Fund)

✓ Cross-border Ownership Details:

  • 5471 (Information Return of U.S. Persons With Respect To Certain Foreign Corporations)
  • 5472 (Information Return of a 25% Foreign-Owned U.S. Corporation or a Foreign Corporation Engaged in a U.S. Trade or Business)
  • 8865 (Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Certain Foreign Partnerships)
  • BOIR (Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting)
  • GILTI (Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income)
  • Form 926 for investments abroad over certain thresholds

✓ Cross-border Gifts and Inheritances:

  • 3520 (Annual Return to Report Transactions with Foreign Trusts and Receipt of Certain Foreign Gifts)
  • 3520A (Annual Information Return of Foreign Trust With a U.S. Owner)

✓ Expatriation:

  • 8854 for those looking at expatriating from the US including computing the Exit Tax calculations ahead of this

✓ Treaty-based Positions:

  • 8858 (Information Return of U.S. Persons Concerning Foreign Disregarded Entities (FDEs) and Foreign Branches (FBs))
  • 8833 (for Treaty-based Positions)
  • W-8 BEN and W-8 BEN E (exemptions for withholding)
  • 1042 S

Accounting Services for US Entities

✓ monthly financial statements:

Reviewing and analyzing profit-sharing arrangements, partnerships and LLC agreements, and posting year-end adjustments

✓ Year-End Bookkeeping Compliance:

Working with auditors to complete year-end compliance requirements

✓ Invoice generation:

Providing invoice generation services

✓ Account Management:

Managing Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable

✓ Trial balances:

Managing Trial Balances and P&L accounts services

✓ General Ledger:

Extending general ledger maintenance services

✓ Payroll:

Maintaining payroll processing services

✓ Sales Tax Return:

Preparing sales tax returns across states in the United States and compilation of tax returns services

✓ Bank Reconciliation Statements:

Preparing & reviewing bank reconciliation statements at regular intervals


Preparing, reviewing and maintaining the Fixed Asset Register

✓ Statutory Returns:

Preparing monthly reconciliations with statutory returns to ensure proper control over the accounting process & to ensure reporting of accurate data to the statutory authorities

✓ Avoiding Non-Compliance Costs:

Ascertaining the process flow and making necessary changes to avoid non-compliance costs

✓ Using Latest Software:

Working with the latest software like Zoho Books, QuickBooks and Xero to cater to various client requirements

US Accounting And Secretarial Services

  • Incorporation of companies, such as LLCs and passthrough entities
  • Maintaining books of accounts and handling all statutory compliances
  • Providing review and assistance in quarterly advance/estimated tax computations
  • Providing corporate secretarial compliance
  • Preparing MIS reports and financial statements periodically for the management
  • Assisting in the dissolution of companies


✓ book of accounts:

Maintaining day-to-day books of accounts and assisting clients with all legislative formalities, including maintenance of records and other ancillary work in connection therewith

✓ Providing Secretarial Compliances:

Providing secretarial compliances like Drafting Notices, Minutes, Resolutions, etc.

✓ Incorporation of companies:

Incorporating companies and taking care of all end-to-end statutory compliances


Preparing budgets, and providing management MIS reports on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis

Ventura Pranas works with various clients from varied sectors throughout the US. We have diversified experience in performing audits, reviews, compilations, and attest functions.

Auditing for Indian Entities

✓ Attestation Services:

Providing services for attestation engagements

✓ AOP services:

Providing various kinds of services based on the agreed-upon procedures (AOP)

✓ Ensuring US GAAP Compliance:

Performing audits, reviews, and compilation based on US GAAP to ensure compliance

✓ Performing Audits:

Performing audits as mandated by any statutory legislation




Ventura Pranas offers personalized services to individuals and corporate clients in India.


Ventura Pranas offers personalized services to individuals and corporate clients in India.


Ventura Pranas offers personalized services to individuals and corporate clients in India.


Ventura Pranas offers personalized services to individuals and corporate clients in India.